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Kyber Crystals at the ready! It's time to find your perfect LIGHTSABER. LIGHTSABERS are iconic weapons in the Star Wars universe, used by the Jedi and the Sith in battles. They can come in many colours for Jedi, like blue, green and even purple. Whereas the Sith only have red LIGHTSABERS.

They are powered by a kyber crystal and require great skill and training to use, since they are strong enough to cut through absolutely anything. You can have one, or you can dual wield like General Grievous in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (2005). You can even use double-bladed LIGHTSABERS like the villainous Darth Maul from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999).

Discover iconic LIGHTSABERS from throughout the Star Wars timeline, including Darth Vader's, Rey's and the Skywalker's famous LIGHTSABERS and embark on your next adventure. We've even got the LIGHTSABERS of Mace Windu and the Darksaber for the real Star Wars aficionados.

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